Tree Gnomes & Stars

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Tree Gnomes & Stars

In the dark time, there is a journey to be had. It is the time when we often need to let go before we can grow anew. Sometimes it is old things we have collected in our rooms of our houses, or ideas of what we thought about ourselves, a pattern of behavior that does not serve a higher purpose. Sometimes it can be a friend who we have loved for many years.

We all have friendships that can come into our lives that lift us up and bring us new exciting things to our lives. I have a friend who plays shakuhachi flute. He has introduced music into my life that I had not known before. We create music together this evening in my home before the fire. Myself on a new instrument called a Caisa drum. We start to play our notes together and I open up to a song of wood gnomes beckoning us into the cairn beneath the oak tree, to see the secrets that lay beneath the earths crust….

On the way down the long staircase made of soft tree roots I meet a tree gnome with a brown nose covered in dirt. He says I need to let go of a friend that has been with me for many years. I tell the gnome my love for her has never waned but, it is true we have grown in different ways. I say a prayer as I go deeper to the earths’ hearth beneath saying the gratitude I have for all we have shared and with love l let her go to her own path. I say, may our lives come together perhaps at a different place and time, but for now, I bid you farewell on your journey. May you have peace, I let you go.

I continue walking and it becomes aglow in the earthen winding stairwell and I see there is a fire here where more tree gnomes all have been waiting for me. Ahh they say, you have arrived! Please partake in this mulberry wine we have made to warm you up! I drink this hearty madder red wine. Time to cast a spell of the heart to bring your spirits up, to spark you up a bit they say. Eight in all are here around the fire in differing attire. Some have the traditional pointed hats of pine green and little overalls made of soft material. They say I came from a long line of Priestesses many, many moons ago.

I see a cauldron over the fire with sweet and bitter smells of nuts, roots and herbs wafting into the air, circling in a spiral of mists. The smell is intoxicating and takes me into a dream state or another place altogether. I see myself in a time of strength wielding the elements of the winds powers and talking to the stars in the sky. They hear me and respond sending powers of light into my eyes as I look up. These are the very olden ways of the Priestess. I have a fury in my eyes as I raise my arms and make an incantation promising to watch over the ways of the Earth all my lifetimes.

At this moment my heart receives all the stars light to my center, I whirl around and around with my dress swishing to my legs movements. Blue and white materials fall, cascading in a rush as I come to a full stop. My arms a conduit to channel the starlight and down into the Earth…. As above so Below, All is connected through the Magic of Light. This is the truth as I feel it in my body gently shaking as the current of Light passes through me and into the Earth.

I hear a soft singing that pulls me gently back to the room where I am sitting with the eight tree gnomes. They look at me with a wide grin on each of their faces knowing where I have been. They have seen the same vision and were there as well. We all join gently swaying to the humming of the songs, the spoken word that I started at the beginning resumes where I am playing my drum and chanting the words to this story that I am telling now. I bid a happy farewell to the tree gnomes and walk back up the winding stairwell of tree roots and brown earth knowing I shall return again. I reach the top of the opening from the oak tree and climb out to where I began.

I now know a part of me I have not seen or known before and I am renewed to the deeper truth of my history, my past life that connects me to my powers of then, to now. To speak to the stars above and channel the energies of Light to the Mother Earth. To know my truth as a Bringer of Light.

I am a Quantum Particle

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I am a Quantum Particle

I practice the art of shamanic journey which allows me to travel into the past, present or future. I can do this with ease as I walk into the dreamtime….. I begin by lying on my comfy couch where it is quiet and I only hear the birds outside. I no longer need a drum to fly into the shaman time only my desire and off I go as my eyes close gently.

I wish to see into the future of the winter solstice of 2012 ending of the Mayan calender year. I am gently transported into the future of December 21st, 2012. I see myself in a meditation with a group of people sitting in a circle with candles all around us. I open to this moment and I leave the meditation room and I am transported into the womb of the Universe, the center of the Great Mother of the Milky Way. It is very dark and oh so quiet here. No sounds only peace. I ask why it is so dark and I hear from the Spirits who I can not see, that in the dark is the emptiness of all possibilites.

I feel scared of this vast feeling of emptiness, but as I trust and keep letting go of any ego holding, I see myself floating in the black space and it is the womb of the Great Mother in the Milky Way. I am safe here. I find a calmness of this understanding. I float in the soft darkness. I hear to feel the wombs darkness like the soft pelt of the black panther wrapped about my body keeping me warm, safe and loved. I rest taking this in.

As I feel myself weightless and floating I realize that I am very much an intrinsic part of this moment. I am made up of particles of this quantum field of existence. There is no separation between me and this vast space of the center of the Milky Way and all that is around it. It just is. There is nothing for me to figure out as I feel this truth in my self. I ask how the dark is different from the light. I hear from the Spirits that it really is not different that the two are in a weave together showing opposite sides to the same coin. The dark and light are of the same weave but, different expressions of the Manna, or quantum field of possibilities. We are all creative expressions birthed out of this field of possibilities.

I ask the meaning of the December 21st, 2012 opening and I hear it is a beautiful beginning, a celebration of the opening to the vastness of all that is. That we are the unborn children that now birth ourselves forward to become the awakened lotus flowers that have been waiting to sing the songs of creation. We are the ones we have been waiting for as the Hopi Elders have said. Now is the time to open to our brothers and sisters to see who has joined us in the river of life. To rejoice with one another and celebrate the truth of who we are as creators in the vastness of our lives and in our Universe.

There is a rustling of the trees leaves outside my window and I am brought back to this present moment in time full with feelings of loving kindness for myself and all. What a journey life is and to have seen such a beautiful moment in the future has changed everything for me. Everything is different now. My life has new meaning and understanding that all is connected in the most minute and vast ways. We are all a part of this Quantum Field of existence and I have seen it for myself in this shamans journey into the center of the mysterious Milky Way. I am a quantum particle and I fit in with

Red Orange Moon Eclipse

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Red Orange Moon Eclipse

I saw the Eclipse! I set my alarm and got up at 5:55 am to see the Full Moon Eclipse ~ it had already started but I wanted to see it at the height of alignment. I quickly threw on my coat, hat, and mittens over my cloud print pajamas and went outside into the night. I had been told it would be in the western skies so I took a right on my doorstep and walked towards the ocean. I got to the top of a small hill and looked up to see a big red orange glowing moon. My whole body took a step backwards at the power of this beautiful sight!

The magical alignment of sun, earth and moon ~ a full lunar eclipse. Time slowed down as I began to ask myself what this might mean for me? What is the spiritual understanding about this mystical moment of planetary connection with our star and moon? As I stood on the sidewalk I could see my breath in the cold air contemplating this moment in my life. I opened my heart and felt my connection to this true realization that there is a grand design happening every moment in the Universe. There is no haphazardness in the interconnectedness of all. The Universe, I, We are all a part of this magnificent event of life.

Just as I came to these lovely awakenings within……… a big loud rumbling garbage truck drives up almost in front of me to empty the apartment buildings garbage cans. A man hops out dressed in white overalls to very succinctly clear out the bins. The garbage trucks lights flashing into the orange moon a cacophany of candy red colored sparks, and then the truck finishes its purpose of helping our city stay clean and continues rumbling forwards.

I come back to my magnificent moment of how all is connected and ask myself – what is the synchronicity of me, moon, and the garbage truck? Ahhh….. the joys of being spiritual in a metropolitan city! What am I releasing into the proverbial garbage as I watch this divine designing of the cosmos? I decide to bring this honest moment (I could have left out the garbage truck and kept it more romantic) into my own understanding of the overall mystical events.

I come to the realization it is my releasing of my old identity, that in truth, no longer fits me. It is the part of me that has not felt worthy to be in alignment with my most loving self. My old ego identity who snivels her nose at me and thinks she is unworthy of such powerful moments. Her face dirtied by the wearing of life’s toils. I thank her for all she has done to have brought me to this time, and I bid her farewell. She takes one last look at me and disappears into the night air.

I bring my gaze back to the illuminating red orange full moon eclipse and think to myself, what a wonderful, crazy and exciting time to align with the cosmic energies of me, moon, sun and letting go of the old. I am alive living in this moment as the Full Lunar Eclipse brings me into a heightened awareness that I am not alone, that there is a many layered purpose for this life we live. It is undeniable in these moments of exact mathematical alighnement of the heavenly bodies that govern our lives, and yes, sometimes the garbage trucks. We are all a part of this wild and crazy grand design!