Singing & Dancing Butterflies

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Singing & Dancing Butterflies

A shallow stream, a creek in Point Reyes is a place where the salmon lay their eggs. It is a delicate ecosystem of fields of purple forget-me-nots. I feel like I am walking on lavender clouds in this magical place. I see a special bay tree root that has grown in a perfect round circle covered in green moss hovering over the stream bed. I can see through it into different realms if I relax my gaze…. I can see right into the fairy realms.

I stand inside of this cave of redwood and I feel safe as if it wraps its earthen bark around me and I start to sing a song. My song has no words only sounds and trills. The song is melodic and vibrates into the trees heart. I can feel the tree awaken to me standing inside of it. The redwood is delighted by the vibrations of my singing and responds by sending energy though me.

I feel myself stretch all the way to the top of this huge tree to the sky! I like this, I say to myself feeling a tingling go though my body, I feel as big as this tree. I slowly come back to my human size and thank the redwood tree for being with me and step out into a field of grasses. There are purple flowers on top of the pricker plants blooming everywhere here. My friend and I decide to place a blanket down to rest.

We sit in silence and watch over twenty or so butterflies float around our heads like heavenly creatures playing in the gentle winds. One butterfly has huge yellow wings with brown trim that sits on the fluffy flowers and the whole plant bends down by its’ weight. Then we see a big brown butterfly that looks like a teddy bear with wings and I just want to brush my cheeks against it, but just as I get close enough – he flitts away. Then another mysterious black butterfly with orange dots comes around with a mate and they dance a dance together. I can hear their wings tap when they meet they are so close. I feel I have witnessed a private mating ritual between the two and feel honored. Others come and they tease and flirt with us flying around our heads almost landing on our noses, finally one lands in my outstretched hand. We are blessed by the butterflies love and gentleness.

Waves Kissing Toes

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Waves Kissing Toes

Half Moon crescent envelopes me in safe arms. I lay upon golden sands feeling the sun soak into my skin. Sounds of the Sea swoosh a gentle calmness over me and through me.

I play in the bubbly waves dipping my toes into your salt waters. I sing a song to you Mother Ocean as an offering. I feel your love as you caress softly my body. I surrender, floating into this green blue world. You are always there each wave proof of your love, each rise of white sea patting the earth like a lover stroking skin. Never stopping, always here.

I trust you Mother Ocean because of this. You will never leave me.

Our Deepest Fears

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Our Deepest Fears

by Marriane Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God/Goddess. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God/Goddess that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Sounds of Blue Wings

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Sounds of Blue Wings

Can you hear the sound of the blue butterflies wings dancing ?
Do you think it possible to hear the crickets chirping in your dreams ?

Have you felt the wind of the red tail hawks flight on your cheeks ?
Did you ever taste the rain drops between your slippery lips ?

When i sing can you feel the vibrations of my song inside your heart ?
I sang for you yesterday, a soft lullaby in the evergreen trees .