Create your own Ritual

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Create your own Ritual

What is your Ritual? I invite you~ Ceremony is important to open to the Spirits of the Land where your feet walk everyday to honor the Mother Earth. This is an honoring of the Great Gaia ~ Here is my ritual circle of stones that I have placed on Mount Shasta to honor this powerful mountain. The small white quartz stones are from Goat Rock Beach in California and the green stones are Serpentine from Mount Tamalpias In the center are stones from Point Reyes Kehoe Beach Ca. I create a circle of Empowerment to invite this into my bones that are the stones of the Earth Herself. May we walk together bound with love to create strength within for all of us as we walk together on Mother Earth. Blessed Be.

Supper with Ancestors this Eve

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Supper with Ancestors this Eve

All Hallows Eve is a time of honoring all who have passed on to the other side. It is when the veils between the worlds are thinnest and we can lovingly connect to our beloved ones who have shifted over to the spirit realms.

Our Ancestors are the ones who have brought us to be here today. We can acknowledge them in many ways. We can create an Ancestor Altar with all of their pictures to see them. To let them know they live on with us and that we love them. We create an opportunity to speak with them and pray for healing for them, or just say hello and share our love.

Sharing an Ancestor spirit supper with them is also a great way to be together. This evening whatever you are making for dinner, create a special spirit plate for them. Set a place at the table for the ones you love. Share the loving food you have prepared to let them know they are always welcome at your table.

My Oma who passed over this year, I set a plate for you at my table. I love you and miss you. I will make this evening your favorite german food of bratwurst and sauerkraut! I know you like the rotkohl (red cabbage) as well. I will honor you Oma and eat my supper with you. I will place your photo on my altar and speak with you to ask you how you are doing. I will play your favorite waltz music the Blue Danube waltz that you like by Johann Strauss. We danced this together many times, remember Oma?

I still dance with you the waltz and remember your wicked sense of humor, and the sometimes dramatic way you did things. I remember your sneaky playfullness and how you hated to be called Oma because it made you feel old. You had us call you by your first name Marie because this was more youthful! I remember your love for me even when it was hard for you to show it sometimes. I honor you Oma and you live on within me. I have gratitude for all you have shared with me.