Sequoia Ancient Sages

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Sequoia Ancient Sages

I love the redwoods. They only grow in Northern California where I live and no where else in the world. I always visit them because they are my tribe, they are my friends. The sequoia are the ancient ones that hold the stories of this land within their roots. They know all the peoples who have lived here throughout time.

This redwood is over 1,600 years old and lives in the Montgomery forest on the coast. It is like an old great, great, great grandfather who is patient with his little ones, us. He waits till we listen and then he talks. He tells of the changes in the earth and all the earthquakes he has felt here on this land. He speaks of the peoples and tribes that have come and gone. He has seen many die for no reason and he witnesses our human choices and wonders why it is we are not more loving to each other.

The Redwoods are wise because the stretch up into the stars and their roots go deep into the earth. They know of the cosmos mysteries and all our history. They grow in communities where their roots are always touching each other. They often have four or five trunks growing together at their base. They share so much love as a family tree. They support each other in their roots and live in harmony together.

I have written many stories about the redwood trees because I am connected to them from my heart. I tell the redwoods when I see them that I love them and they speak to me. I don’t think I could live anywhere else because I need to be near them and yes, I admit I am a California Tree Hugger!


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You are a healer when you give gratitude. You are giving an offering of beautiful flowers or of loving kindness to each person, when you give gratitude. You are acknowledging their existence on the earth and how much you appreciate them. This is a healing… every time you give gratitude you are giving a blessing. You are a healer giving LOVE and it doesn’t cost anything to give.

In return you will always receive abundance back from the Universe. I promise you. It might not always come from the person you gave a compliment to, but it will come from a stranger perhaps when you needed something. What goes around comes around. Karma! If you are nice to people  – the Universe will shine love back to you.

What do you have gratitude for in your life? Who are you grateful for that you can give a blessing? What loving pets surround you with unconditional love? Who would you like to acknowledge by telling them how you appreciate their presence in your life?

What in Mother Nature do you have gratitude for of all She gives for you to live your life? The water you drink from Her rivers? The air that you breathe in every breath? The food that you ate for your breakfast this mornings meal? The hummingbird that perches in your tree out side of your window?

Last night I saw the sun setting and the fog was hovering over San Francisco as a very precious soft pink embrace. A half moon shone bright above and I felt a sense of appreciation for being present to witness the changing of time from day to night.

As I gazed up to see a half moon, I pondered what I may have left behind and what is coming for the next half of this moon time. The pink glow felt like a hug from the Universe, so gentle.

What gratitude do you have for this day? Share your gratitude so it is felt by the ones you are appreciating. You are a gift, share your love and give a healing today!

Essence of Love Continues…

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Essence of Love Continues…

I found this beautiful butterfly on the path me. It is a gift of the essence of this life it offers for anyone to see and take in its preciousness. As I savor each moment I look at this butterfly it lives inside my heart and mind. It continues to give its offerings to me of beauty and also the teachings I learn from this butterfly.

I have learned that after this creature died it continues with what it has left for me to cherish. I cherish its existence and that it is – still here. It is so delicate I want to cry. It opens my heart to love to be able to hold such an amazing creature in my hands. The potency of such a small thing in the world to change my life is an awakening about death.

It is a reminder that the life we live – is all that continues when we leave – like this butterfly. Every person we have touched in our lives, every person we have hugged, every person we have looked into their eyes, into their hearts, will have an essence of who we are… the essence of who each of us is continues to live in everyone we have walked with, cried with, loved with and laughed with.

Our essence continues to love as this little butterfly shows me the power of our essence. We continue to love even when we are gone.

Saint Hildegard von Bingen

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Saint Hildegard von Bingen

Quote by Hildegard von Bingen

“From my early childhood, before my bones, nerves, and veins were fully strengthened, I have always seen this vision in my soul, even to the present time, when I am more than seventy years old. …The light that I see thus is not spatial, but it is far, far brighter than a cloud that carries the sun. . . . and I call it “the reflection of the living Light”. . . and I see, hear, and know all at once, and as if in an instant I learn what I know. And what I write is what I see and hear in the vision. . . . And the words in this vision are not like words uttered by the mouth of man, but like a shimmering flame, or a cloud floating in a clear sky.” —Hildegard of Bingen, letter to Guibert of Gembloux (1175)

This incredible woman was born 1098 lived to be 81 years old passing in 1179. She is one of my greatest inspirations in my life because first of all – to live to be 81 during this time in history is quite a feat in itself.

Hildegard von Bingen is a spiritual mystic, visionary, poetess, painter, healer and composer. She is a woman who discovered herself to be a direct conduit for the Divine, she would receive her songs, words, visions, music from the Divine and allow it to flow through her as a gift for all of us. It is a miracle for me to now in 2012 be able to hear her music, read her words and see her paintings.

Hildegard is a woman who has shown me the possibilities of creation, life, divinity, brilliance, connection to Spirit, and to be a healer. She has shown me the possibilities of who I can be. She is one of the greatest inspirations of my life. Wherever you are Hildegard in the spirit world, know that I bow to you. I bow to your ever healing ways that influence my existence and so many others. I bow to you because you are an amazing woman who teaches me to also channel the Divine in the ways that are me.

This painting is created by Hildegard and for me it is a painting of the Goddess holding her people ever so lovingly in her arms. Hildegard’s vision allows me to know I am held and loved by the Goddess.

I am forever in great gratitude to you Saint Hildegard von Bingen.


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I see Her bright red and dark purple blackberries yielding on thin prickly branches, bending to offer me Her love. This fruit of the earth. Each arm leaning towards the grasses heavy with the abundance of life. I stop and take her gift and pluck a ripe blackberry placing it on my tongue. Juices swirl through lips, slide down my throat to nourish my insides.

I close my eyes to relish this ecstasy and when they open a snow white butterfly has landed on this leaf to tell me of my rebirth. Now I come back to an innocence that was once lost. The butterfly rests so that I may rest, it shows me the lightness of being so that I may once more remember lost parts of a life gone by. To remember myself and who I truly am.

I am the sweetness of this moment, I am the white innocence within the purple blackberries. I am the bright red of the sun’s light on a hot day. Yes, I am all of this Mother Earth reminds me as I am a part of all living creatures in this abundance.